Monday, February 13, 2006

Manage your life with voo2do

When you have a job, a house, several kids and a wife, your day-to-day tasks can quickly get out of hand. You know that you're in trouble when:
  • Your bills are never paid on time
  • You often apologize for things you forgot to do
  • There are important things that you've been postponing for months
  • You feel like there are a thousand things you need to do this week
Yes, I was definitely in trouble.

After a little thinking, I came to a conclusion that I need a tool to organize my "to-do" list so that every task will receive the proper attention and will not be forgotten. My requirements were simple:
  • It had to be web-based, so that I can access it from my home and my office
  • Tasks should have priorities
  • For some tasks, I want to specify a deadline
  • I want it to be easy to use, otherwise I'll probably stop using it after a while
  • It better be free (everything is free nowadays, isn't it?)
By pure luck I stumbled upon voo2do, which fulfills all these requirements and a few I haven't thought about. I find it immensely useful and a joy to use.

Another thing that helped me is the Getting Things Done® (GTD) system, by David Allen. I'm not really using the system as is, but it is a very powerful way to, well, get things done. Here's a good introduction to GTD - read it!

One thing in GTD that particularly matched my personal experience is the idea that our life is filled with stuff that, if not taken care of, causes stress and anxiety. We keep thinking about everything that needs to be done, instead of actually doing it. And the first step to reduce this constant stress is to record all this stuff instead of trying to keep it inside our limited memory. And for me, voo2do is a perfect way to do that.

Thanks, Shimon!


At February 13, 2006 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Itai, I'm delighted voo2do is working well for you. You mentioned a lot of the same issues that motivated me to build voo2do, and you're right that it really is a relief to know everything's written down. Thanks for the kind words!


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